
Planning Decisions 17 July 2024

The decision sheet for Planning Committee, Wednesday, 17th July, 2024, has been published.

Decision sheet details on public web site

The following items are included in the decision sheet in Longtown Ward

24/0093 – Land at Low Harker Farm, Low Harker, Harker, Carlisle, CA6 4DP – Approved.
Erection Of A 400 MW Battery Storage Facility With Boundary Fencing, Access Track, Landscaping And Other Associated Infrastructure

24/0328 – Land at Harker Industrial Estate, Kingmoor Park Harker Estate, Low Harker, Carlisle, CA6 4RF – Approved

This was a variation of a previously approved planning permission 23/0870 (Erection Of 300no. Dwellings Including Associated Open Space And Infrastructure) To Substitute The House Types & To Make Minor Modifications To The Layout

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